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Accident & Emergency

Accident & Emergency Compensation Claims

Most hospital accident & emergency (A&E) departments and their dedicated staff provide patients with swift and superb care. Given the nature and the purpose of A&E departments, it is crucial that the standard of care remains extremely high.

But sometimes the standard of care does slip, and there can be serious negative consequences.
You can claim compensation if you feel that A&E staff made a mistake or you feel that you were not given an adequate level of care, as these shortcomings fall under the category of medical negligence. We can help you make your claim.

What Constitutes an A&E Claim

A&E is a setting for medical negligence, rather than a specific sort of medical negligence. The fast pace of the A&E environment means errors can happen very easily.

There are many different sorts of mistakes and shortfalls you can fall victim to as an A&E patient, including:

Misdiagnosis or Delayed Diagnosis

Even very good doctors and nurses fail to spot symptoms if they don’t carry out a thorough examination. Misdiagnosis can happen if they don’t have a good grasp of your medical history, or they don’t carry out necessary procedures such as blood tests and X-rays.

Mistakes can also occur through misinterpretation of data – for example, misreading test result figures.

In extreme cases you could even be told there is nothing seriously wrong with you and that you can go home – which means you don’t receive treatment you desperately need.

Errors in Treatment or Surgery

If you receive treatment that is not relevant to your injury or ailment, it can worsen your condition.

There may also be an error during the treatment or surgery itself, which could render the procedure unsuccessful. In extreme scenarios, these errors can make your injury even worse, and in worst-case scenarios, could have fatal consequences.

Can I Claim on Behalf of a Family Member

If you want to claim on behalf of a family member who died as a result of an A&E error, we can help you make the claim. The amount of compensation you receive will depend on many factors, which we can explain to you over the phone or in person.

Choose Bannister Law for Your Claim

We have an experienced team of clinical negligence lawyers who will put together a strong claim for you. We regularly secure compensation for clients who have received substandard hospital care. Call us on 1300 226 647 to discuss your case, or fill in the contact form.